West Volusia Family and Sports Medicine

Family Doctor in DeLand, FL

Dr. John Hill, M.D., is a family doctor located in DeLand, FL. He also serves patients in DeBary, Deltona, Orange City and other surrounding areas of Volusia County. Dr. Hill is a board-certified physician in family medicine specializing in sports medicine and wellness programs. Dr. Hill earned his Bachelor of Science degree in Cardiopulmonary Medicine at the University of Central Florida. He graduated from the Ross School of Medicine in 2002.

Family Practice

A family doctor is a medical professional who's dedicated to providing primary care for the whole family. Rather than having separate healthcare providers for each family member, our family practice offers a complete range of medical care for the entire family, including women's health. A primary care physician can provide better care to patients when they have a full family history, especially for ailments that may be hereditary, making it simpler to diagnose and establish a suitable treatment plan. It is also better for the family since appointments, medications, and other healthcare information are centralized in one location.

Wellness Program

Our focus on wellness is one of the hallmarks of our family practice. Many patients often don’t see a doctor until they feel unwell. However, having a routine check-up can help prevent illness. An undiagnosed health issue such as chronic pain or illness that comes and goes can become a more severe problem later. Our wellness program is customized for each patient based on their diet and lifestyle. Also, for active patients, a family doctor specializing in sports medicine can provide tips on preventing injuries. Preventive care is the best way to stay healthy and active longer.

Sports Medicine

When you have a family member actively participating in sports, whether in school or competitively, a family doctor specializing in sports medicine provides the comprehensive medical care they need for treating and preventing musculoskeletal sports-related injuries. A sports physician also includes counseling on diet and exercise to maintain an active and healthy lifestyle.

Visit our website or contact us at (386) 774-0016 to schedule an appointment with a family doctor in DeLand, FL today!

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